Monday, May 25, 2009

Regicide. {Mature Content.}

It looked absolutely nothing like corn syrup.
As Emma watched red matter flow from the ruin that had once been the back of her stepfather’s skull, that realization and a sickly warm feeling of pride were all that occupied her mind. The un-saccharine mess dripped through the pavement cracks and into the gutter, glittering beneath the orange light that stained through Emma’s city. Michael’s city, too, she remembered as the young man dropped a .45 and a strangled cry simultaneously.
She turned to see her lover in the midst of an expletive.
“We’re free.” Emma stated, euphoric.


  1. FANTASTIC imagery here. I love this one. It's so simple, but so powerful.

  2. I love all of these. There almost like Virginia Woolf and how she captures a moment of life. Cept I actually like the way YOU did it. You have simplistic but intense moments that capture the readers. Good Job! Keep writing these.
