Monday, February 15, 2010


It was likely that Satin would weep, on that first morning of finding the empty bed, empty ashtray, and her empty guardian gone. Antlerboy would swear, Satin would weep, and he would be gone and guilty.
Years would pass, her hair would grow, and Antlerboy would be defending her from new threats, boys with hungry eyes.
And when he finally did come back, she would scream and throw punches and withhold forgiveness.
Asher exhaled a cloud of release and thought of responsibility and rough truths, perched at the edge of Satin's bed.
In the morning there would be a full ashtray.

Song: Where'd You Go? - Fort Minor


  1. Dewd I love all things in this storyline. Antlerboy is always my favorite, but Asher is awesome too.
    Using the ashtray as an indication of his decision was a good move. I like :D

  2. I like the rhythm of this story a lot--the repetition and alliteration give it a good flow.

    Why is Asher such an unhappy person? :(

    Also, like Shannon, I really like the ashtray indicating his choice to stay.
